Village of Christopher Lake
Building Permits:
Building Permits and Planning and Development Permits are required for all new construction or re-construction in the village, applications for these permits can be obtained by contacting the village office or printing them using the links below. These applications must be approved by council prior to building, therefore please plan to have your permit returned to the office at least one week prior to the council meeting date in order to prevent delays in issuing your building permit. New construction includes decks as well as buildings over 100 square feet.
Forms required:
Moving or Demolition Permits:
Prior to moving or demolishing a building in the Village you must obtain a Moving/Demolition Application and a Planning and Development Application from the office before commencing your project. These applications are available in the office or can be printed from the links below and must be approved by council, so please have them in at least one week prior to the council meeting date.
Forms Required:
Moving and Demolition Permit Application